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School Solutions
Safe on Social
Safe on Social
Topics Covered
  • Why age recommendations matter

  • What do they sign up for, and what do terms of use mean to their digital footprint

  • Creating a positive online identity and managing personal information

  • How to identify misinformation and understand the importance of fact-checking

  • Safe practices for online gaming, metaverse safety, and managing screen time

  • Recognising online predators and getting help

  • Basic concepts of cyber security, not sharing passwords and recognising scams

  • Upholding Respectful Behaviour Online and in Group Chats

  • How social media can affect emotions, self-esteem and how it makes them feel

  • Technology, sustainability thinking about device and apps energy consumption

  •  Recognising cyberbullying, how to seek help, and supporting peers who are bullied

  • Why sleep is your superpower and self-regulation of screen time

  • Understanding the importance of not sharing inappropriate images and material

  • Balancing online and offline activities to maintain health and well-being

  • Basics of keeping personal information safe and understanding privacy settings

  • Creating strong passwords and the importance of not sharing them

  • Building and maintaining respectful relationships both online and off

  • Why it is always safe to speak up


And more……….

Primary School Presentations

Our Primary/Elementary student presentations are designed for children under 12yrs, offering an understanding of online safety, digital literacy, ethics, and the law. We also collaborate with parents and teachers to reinforce these topics, providing unique perspectives tailored for both parenting and professional learning. This is all supported by our eReady Kids Program for use in the classroom and at home which is included with every booking. 


The Byron Package

3 x Onsite Student Presentations

(45-60 mins, max 250 students per session)
1 x Parent/Carer Forum

(60-75 minutes)
12mths access to Safe on Social Cheatsheet Library

(150+ resources)
Year-round email support


The Sydney Package

3 x Onsite Student Presentations

(45-60 mins, max 250 students per session)
1 x Parent/Carer Presentation

(60-75 minutes +Q&A)
1 x Staff Professional Learning Presentation
(60 mins +Q&A)
12mths access to “The Ultimate” Video and
Resource Package Year-round email support


The Mayfair Package

3 x Onsite Student Presentations

(45-60 mins, max 250 students per session)
1 x Parent/Carer Forum (60-75 minutes)
1 x Staff Professional Learning Session
(60 mins + Q&A)
2 x Staff participants in year-round Online Safety Coach Training Program
12mths access to “The Ultimate” Video

and Resource Package
Review and update of up to 4 Policy Documents.

Includes 12 months of access to our leading eWork Ready  online learning program for students, educators, and parents for use at home and/or in the classroom and access to 180+ “Cheat Sheets resources for use in newsletters and to inform parents.

Safe on Social

Dive into the eReady Kids Ecosystem!


The eReady Kids ecosystem by Safe on Social offers comprehensive resources for students, teacher workbooks, and materials for parents to extend learning at home.


Empowering the Young and Their Mentors

eReady Kids provides robust support for parents safeguarding their child's digital steps and educators shaping future online etiquette.

Comprehensive Benefits for Families and Schools

  • Interactive Self-Assessment Tools: Help students and parents gauge their readiness for the online environment.

  • Customized Device Action Plans: Create personalized roadmaps for each child's tech experiences.

15 Engaging Educational Modules

Covering essential themes like:

  • Media Literacy and Misinformation

  • Online Safety and Security (Tech Terms, Malware, Phishing, Scams)

  • Handling Inappropriate Content

  • Synthetic Friendships and GenAI

  • Dream Big! (No Devices in the Bedroom)

  • Creating a Positive Online Presence

  • Understanding FOMO, FONS, and JOMO

  • Sleep and Device Usage

  • Environmental Impact of Tech Use

Mastering the Digital World

Children earn their place in the digital world with holistic knowledge from eReady Kids modules.

Parent and Educator Approval

  • Over 3000 parents and educators commend the program's effectiveness.

  • School Integration: Seamlessly integrates with existing syllabi, enhancing students' online wisdom.

  • Family Transformation: Families celebrate moving from anxiety to assurance, using insights to craft a secure online presence.

    Free with every Primary/Elementary School Booking or available for purchase standalone.

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