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Together, we can build a safer and more empathetic online world for everyone.
Consulting Services

Empower Your School with Unmatched  Expertise

Proactive prevention is the key to transforming potential issues into manageable challenges. As Australia’s leading online/cyber safety experts, we are dedicated to providing your organisation with the essential help and support needed to stay prepared and protected.

Imagine having the confidence that your organisation is equipped to handle any social media-related safety challenges that come your way. With our expert guidance on your organisation can navigate the complexities of the online world with unparalleled support.

A partnership with Safe on Social offers you exclusive access to our CEO, Kirra Pendergast, who will be the Principal Consultant and  like an integral member of your staff or board. Kirra’s extensive experience coupled with her team of experts in governance, psychology, crisis management and more ensure that you receive the highest level of expertise and personalised attention.

Our commitment goes far beyond addressing immediate concerns. We will meticulously review your policies, guidelines, and essential documentation, pinpointing areas for enhancement and ensuring all necessary components are in place. This thorough approach guarantees that your organisation is not only compliant but also exemplary in its online safety standards.

Armed with the latest, cutting-edge international knowledge and resources, we stand by you as a trusted companion on your journey towards a safer, more secure, and positive social media environment. Our mission is to empower your educators, safeguard your students, and foster a culture of awareness and resilience within your community.

By partnering with Safe on Social, you are making a proactive investment in the future of your school’s online safety. 

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